Top Rated Games

Need Water

Game of the Second:

Need Water



The question in the game 'Urbe' is not 'Why you're naked', it's more 'where' can I hide! And that's the point!

Mo Fro

Mo Fro

Do you know this drawn one-colored guys on signs? Here you can play one of them, rescue fat guys, search weapons and dodge enemies.



Time for tactical proceeding! You won't survive the mission of this action platform game only by using A and S. So use Space to hide in the background.

Emerald Thief

Emerald Thief

No, it isn't a boulderdash game! It's rather one of the 'don't cross the view of the guards' game like jailbreak or shop lifter. The aim is to steal some nice bling bling.

Black Ops Korean Conflict

Black Ops Korean Conflict

Yah, that's my favourite pastime: hanging around... After a some learning in the training mode you may do all the funny things special force johnnys do. Use keyboard and mouse.



Did you ever asked yourself why there are so many games in which you have to break out of jail as a dot avoiding the guards' field of vision? Because they catched you lifting a shop!

Prison Break Out

Prison Break Out

Will he see me? Just learn the map on the back of the guy in the title because then you know the way. Use Space to jump and Shift for run mode! The guards mustn't see you!

Eat My Mouse

Eat My Mouse

This crazy pig is trying to shoot my mouse!!! In this 'sprite wants to eliminate my mouse cursor' game you have to be quick 'cause there are so many ways to lose it!

Midnight Strike

Midnight Strike

That's what I call a soldier platform game at its best! You can run, shoot, crawl and 'double jump'. Some little missions, extra weapons and a very tight handling sums it up!

Jail Break

Jail Break

Simple but good for wasting time: Do some jail jobs and don't let yourself get catched from the guards.

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