Top Rated Games

Paths 2

Game of the Second:

Paths 2

Galactic Tennis

Galactic Tennis

Do you know the difference between air hockey and galactic tennis? There is none! But if you possess a keyboard with arrow keys you could try to beat the comp.



Enough of that boring and cheap tennis games, huh? Maybe squash? This little time waster brings you different variations of that elite game. Use arrow keys.

Da Bomb Pong

Da Bomb Pong

Can you play table tennis? If not, I wouldn't recommend to play this kind of that sport in real! Because you're playing with a bomb instead of a normal ball!

Pong Pong Revolution

Pong Pong Revolution

Another, but also very simple paddle game. Try to get some extras in this 'space tennis' game.

Insane Orb Ex

Insane Orb Ex

I would say this is the action version of a game called tennis... 'cause now your paddle is able to shoot which helps to give the ball another direction. Many extras also included!



Yeah, tennis the easy way! Just play some rounds of tennis only with your mouse. This is indeed a great game because the gameplay is quite simply! Office closed!

Mortal Pwnbat

Mortal Pwnbat

Did you ever asked yourself what comes out when you combine Pang and Tele Game Tennis? Never? Ok, anyway, Mortal Pwnbat is such a bastard! Use A and Z to move the paddle, C to shoot.

Tennis Game

Tennis Game

Tennis game! Yah, just tennis.

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