Top Rated Games
Game of the Second:
Tobes Hookshot Escape
Operate Now Appendix Surgery
Is there any doctor in the house? Because we have an urgent Appendix Surgery here in the almost realistic Emergency Room sim 'Operate Now'.
Alarm Man On The Moon
If you believed they put a man on the moon, ALARM! If you're a good alien you're gonna catch some astronaut suits before your opponents.
Monster Craft
Ever wanted to breed your very own army of monsters? Buy, train and cross different species and let them fight against others in 'Monster Craft'.
Mushroom Cloud
If you're just up to destroy some stuff this will be the perfect game for you! Choose the weapon and blow up the pixelated islands.
If you just want to play a chillaxing game, here you go: Blow Seeds and drop petals in order to replant a garden. Upgrades might be helpful.
Now here comes a quite unusual retro style game because in this job sim you have to raise some money for your organization as a Canvasser!
Hiya matador, today you have to fight a bullfight. But without any bull, just take this endangered unicorn instead! That's 'Unicorrida'.
Bug Rampage
Jeepers creepers, it's them creeping creepers! Use your mouse to move and upgrade your caterpillar and smash bugs in the game 'Bug Rampage'.
Wonder Rocket
Try to get your 'Wonder Rocket' up up to the sky. But don't wonder if the rocket doesn't hit the sky at the first try... It's an upgrade game!
Status of the Statues: Alive! Move this guy through the dark mazes and throw the spotlight on them... but never turn your back on them!